The Author of this post is Solomon Dejesus
I got some Wild Blue Deals and I’ve been really fortunate that my parents still like to use the internet. That way, each night I can send them an email to check in and make sure everything’s okay and it’s just so much easier than trying to catch them on the phone since they don’t have cell phones. They’re always out at church or running errands or walking the dog so email is juts more efficient for us as a whole. I can’t imagine a better relationship between an adult and their parents and I think I’m really fortunate that even though my parents are getting up there in age they’re really good about staying active and keeping on top of their health. I worry about them but it’s for the kind of reasons you would imagine, not because they’re old, and that’s how it should be, you know? I just don’t know what in the world inspired them to get so into technology at their particular age…