Holy Week is the final week of Jesus Christ's life, most tragic yet the most triumphal part of His life.Christians observe it is a week of devout observance, commemorating the Passion and Jesus' death on the cross.
Origins of Holy week
Early Holy Week observances began in Jerusalem in the earliest days of the Church, when devout Christians travelled to Jerusalem to reenact events of the week leading to Christ's Resurrection. In the Christian calendar, holy week precedes the sacred Christian festival of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The term "Holy Week" is a recent innovation, but the annual observance of the festivals are of ancient origin.
Significance of Holy week
Holy Week is a very sacred part of the Christian calendar, when Christians observe the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ who takes away the sins of the world. Purpose of Holy Week is to reenact, relive, and feel the passion of Jesus Christ. Important days of Holy week are named Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. In the Eastern Church, it is called the "Great week".
Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday, accompanied by his disciples, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt, while crowds of people covered the streets ahead of him with their cloaks and with palm branches symbolizing victory. Many churches observe Palm Sunday services with large palm branches being carried in processions.